My name is Nigel Colin and I ‘m a specialist recruiter for the graduate Project. I specialise in the placements of Graduates and candidates with up to 10 years professional qualifications across Central London.
Having worked with Stop Holding Back Charity for a number of years I have been incredibly impressed by the value Stop Holding Back has had on the lives of young people who suffer with stuttering and speech impediments. Helping to improve the lives of people who are affected by Stuttering and speech impediments is a cause close to my heart. Having grown up with family members suffering from stutters and speech impediments I have seen the devastation and upset it can cause individuals. I was always determined to be a part of helping to improve the lives of as many young people as possible and working with Stop holding back has helped me to achieve this.
Throughout my role as a recruiter, I have come across a number of great candidates who stutter. Communication skills are important during an interview process and sometimes if you’re not able to clearly communicate your key skills and personality during interviews you potentially could miss out on opportunities over candidates who communicated their skills better.
I was aware of the brilliant work the Stop Holding Back team were up to and I referred some candidates to his organisation to work with. Stop holding back has helped prepare a number of my candidates prior to interviews and helped introduced them to new techniques and ways of improving their communication skills and helping people build up confidence within the candidates prior to interviewing.
Stop holding back’s techniques have helped improve candidate’s success with interviews. It's fantastic to see how Stop holding backs can help improve the lives of young people. Stop holding back has added real value to helping young people who stutter.
You can contact Nigel via LinkedIn: